
Soc 1认证-华盛顿特区

华盛顿特区 business owners need to ensure sensitive data is protected, especially as it relates to the financial information of customers.  Organizations also continue to face pressure from regulators and customers to demonstrate that adequate controls are in place with respect to processing transactions and internal controls over financial reporting. 政府规定, such as Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX 404) stress the need for effective internal controls. Ensuring the company has robust internal controls and policies and practices in place is essential. 事实上,许多人可能期望看到一个 系统和组织控制(SOC) 和公司做生意之前先做报告. This examination (often referred to as a “SOC 1 audit”) verifies that the controls, 流程, and procedures have been tested and indicates whether controls are effective. 


Schneider Downs provides SOC examinations in 华盛顿特区 and nationwide to 150 companies annually in a variety of industries. 通常, we work with organizations that use or store sensitive financial and other data that cybercriminals may want. Some examples of the clients we serve include Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies, 数据中心, it管理bet9平台游戏提供商, 抵押和贷款bet9平台游戏公司, 医疗索赔处理员, 工资的公司, and inventory management and logistics providers. Our diverse range of experience permits us to understand the company more easily, 其风险概况, 暴露区域, 以及重要的测试变量.

SOC 1考试-华盛顿特区

Schneider Downs is recognized as a premier provider of SOC services including:

  • SOC准备情况评估 – These assessments assess an organization’s preparedness for a successful SOC 1 examination.
  • SOC 1考试 These examinations focus on an organization’s business 流程 and IT controls, particularly those that are likely to be relevant to an audit of customers’ financial statements. There are two types of SOC 1 reports: Type 1 reports evaluate the design of an organization’s controls. Type 2 reports test whether an organization’s controls are properly designed and implemented.

The City of 华盛顿特区 is the world’s destination. Home of all three branches of the federal government, 国际组织, 以及一些全国最大的公司, the city naturally draws people from across the globe. The federal government is responsible for attracting organizations such as law firms, 专业协会, 和非营利组织, as well as nearly 200 国际组织 and embassies. 25% of the city’s employees also work for federal governmental agencies. 然而, the federal government isn’t fully responsible for the enormous spike in the city’s daytime population during the workweek. 这个城市的多元化经济正在发展, 尤其是在金融等行业, 教育, 研究, 以及公共政策. 事实上, according to the 2021 Global 金融 Centre’s Index, the city’s financial district scored fourth most competitive in the country and 14th most competitive in the world.  


Schneider Downs provides SOC 1 reports and certifications to companies located across the United States including those in 奥斯丁(TX), 博伊西(ID), 波士顿(MA), 查尔斯顿(SC), 芝加哥(IL), 丹佛(有限公司), 纽约(NY);  西雅图(WA), 华盛顿特区 (马里兰州巴尔的摩), 凤凰城(AZ).

Contact Our 华盛顿特区 SOC 1 Examination Team

Schneider Downs provides SOC 1 examinations and readiness assessments to companies in 华盛顿特区. If you are interested in learning how we can assist your organization, complete the form to the right and a team member will follow up with you promptly.



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